Trust Management Ethical Investment Funds
Investor Update for the period ending 30 June 2024
Tēnā koutou and hello,
We are pleased to provide you with our June edition of Portfolio Watch which provides a useful update on market developments and the performance of the PIE Funds during the second quarter of 2024.
As we cross the mid-year mark of 2024, I am pleased to provide you with an update on our journey together.
Reflecting on the past 12 months, we have seen a period of stability in investment returns across many of the asset classes we invest in on behalf our our clients. A point of difference for Trust Management is our property asset management capabilities. With the asset class having a subdued 18 months, we provide an update and Q&A with our Head of Property Garry Anderson in this report. We remain confident in the outlook for the Fund from here.

We acknowledge the tough economic times that many of the people that rely on the services of our clients are facing. It is in these moments that the work of our clients, all of whom are charities, becomes even more vital. Your support for community good is an inspiration and it is our privilege to serve organisations that make such a profound impact.
We have made significant ESG improvements as part of our commitment to align with your values. We believe that investing responsibly is not only an obligation but also a chance to create positive impact. In addition, we have undertaken a multi year investment in technology and software to improve our customer experience and enable better and faster decision making. These innovations ensure that we stay ahead of the curve. We will shortly be sharing with you our 2024 Ethical Investment Update and Stewardship Report.
We have also expanded our capabilities by bringing two new professionals to the firm. In July we welcomed Mark Longbottom to Trust Management as the Head of Community Engagement. Before joining us, Mark worked at Mercer NZ as their Sustainable Investment Specialist. We will also soon welcome Duncan Smith to Trust Management as the Head of Client Secretariat. Duncan is formerly Chief Operating Officer of accounting firm BDO and will work closely with some of Trust Management’s key partnership clients.
In closing, I want to extend my sincere thanks for your continued partnership. It is a privilege to serve our clients and we remain laser focussed in our commitment to helping you navigate the complexities of the changing world we all operate in. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to further assist you.
Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourouka ora ai te iwi.
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Nāku iti nei, nā
Rachael McDonald
CEO Trust Management