Tēnā koutou and hello to our clients, partners and stakeholders.
I am proud to share with you the inaugural Trust Management PIE Funds Climate Report | Pūrongo Āhuarangi Tūao me te kōrahi whāiti.
We thought carefully about the production of this report: as Trust Management is not captured by the New Zealand Climate Related Disclosures regime, this report is produced on a voluntary basis and is limited in it’s scope. While this report did involve a significant resource commitment, we ultimately concluded it is part of our DNA and ethical investment values to ‘walk the talk’.
Throughout the assembly of this report, our leadership, asset management and investment teams have grown even more conscious of climate risks and opportunities, improving our methods for evaluating, quantifying, managing, and reporting on them.
We believe that this report demonstrates our commitment to transparency as well as our commitment as a founding signatory to the Aotearoa New Zealand Stewardship Code to take a leadership role in the industry.
As the anticipated impacts of climate change start to take effect, the efforts of our clients will become even more crucial in providing essential services to our most vulnerable communities. Trust Management is dedicated to continuing to stand with you to deliver community good and we are honoured to assist our clients in these vital roles.
We welcome your feedback and questions. We hope this report enables more fulsome discussions about climate change around the board table and in your own organisations.
Ngā mihi
Rachael McDonald
Chief Executive Officer
