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Portfolio Watch - Q3 2023

Trust Management Ethical Investment Funds

Investor Update for the period ending 30 September 2023

Kia ora koutou - and hello

We are pleased to provide you with our update on the performance of the Trust Management PIE funds and key drivers behind some of the market movements in this edition of Portfolio Watch which covers the period to the end of September. The past 18 months have presented significant challenges within the market environment which has impacted the capital returns across many of the Funds we offer. We acknowledge that periods such as this can be unsettling.

It is important to note that market volatility similar to what we have seen is a normal occurrence of the investing landscape.In environments such as this, it is essential that trustees remain focussed on their long-term objectives which should always align with trust missions and philanthropic purposes.

ethical investment

We want to thank you, our investor and clients, for choosing us as your trusted partner in your investment journey. We exist to serve our clients and the communities they operate in. As usual, we are available at any time to discuss your needs and are happy to address any questions you may have regarding the content in this report.

Operating now for over two decades, we encourage you to reach out if you are aware of other charitable organisations in your network that could benefit from the expertise and support we provide. Together, we can continue to make a positive impact in the world of investments, furthering the vital work of charities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Thank you for your continued partnership and trust.



Chief Executive



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